Belinda Young

Belinda has been our trusted advisor for many years. She helped us to get started with the setting up of our business and company in Singapore, employment passes, and then has been also taking care of our accounting, tax and corporate secretarial matters along the way.
Belinda Young
Working languages
English, Chinese
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Belinda Young is an accountant by training and profession. She currently heads a family office and runs an accountancy practice in Singapore. Her past work experiences include working in EY, a large property developer and several SMEs. Belinda is currently the Chairperson of ACCA Singapore Network Panel. Singapore is one of the key markets for ACCA and supports its 241,000 fully qualified members 542,000 future members worldwide. She is also involved in other ACCA Global and local committees relating to taxation, business law, Careers, China business and Young Accountants for local charities, Belinda has been involved for more than 20 years mainly in the finance role. She has been an Hon Treasurer in various National Sports Associations (NSAs) and helped start up some charities too. Her latest involvement is being Treasurer and Chair of Finance and Investment Committee at Ronald McDonald House Charities, Board member at Special Olympics and Chair of Audit Committee.

Her interest and specialisation comprises:

  • Consultancy and advisory for setting up companies with and without Share Capital; Non profit
  • Application for Employment Pass
  • Individual/Corporate Taxation/ GST related matters
  • Governance in Non profit organisations / charities
  • Application for Charity status / IPC (Institute of Public Character)
  • Due Diligence and valuation of companies

Belinda is a member of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants); ISCA (Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants) ; SCTP (Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals IT & GST) ; SID (Singapore Institute of Directors) and Qualified Individual/Company Secretary with ACRA. She is a keen golfer, reads and is currently publishing a book.

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